Description | Page from the journal of Ann Walker, Jun 1834-Feb 1835
[Diary Transcription] [page 66]
& the wheels did not cut properly – so that we might almost as well have walked from Seacroft to Leeds (7 miles) we did in ten minutes, but we had a tunnel to pass thro’ which is quite dark -
December 18th Dined at Cliff hill – I was standing near clump of trees close to sunk fence, & my Aunt herself came to ask me – offered to send letter to P[ost] O[ffice] for Mrs. Rodgers – Mr. & Mrs. L[ampleugh] Hird came to reside at Lidgate -
December 19th Received Sacrament with Mrs. Lister dearest Miss Marian – Oddy & George – from Mr. Musgrave at 3 oclock went to Cliff Hill & heard the hunters had been over ground at Crow nest & Cliff Hill -
December 20th Dined at Cliff Hill – stayed about in Grounds till 5 oclock when dearest came to fetch me -
December 21st Walked to Church, as the wheels of carriage were not repaired – Mr. & Mrs. L[ampleugh] Hird at Church in Mr. Priestley’s seat – in the evening a letter for my Aunt from my sister franked by Mr. Stewart Mackenzie -
December 22nd Mrs. Greaves came to ask for her husband to stay as tenant – said I would consider of what she had said but I could give her no hope – & should give no answer to any body till next week – carriage wheels came back from Ward’s – Mrs. & Miss Bramley called – stayed only a short time as I was going out. went with dearest to Halifax. got out at Post Office & walked to Cliffe Hill – gave William letter for my Aunt – & called afterwards, she told me, the children were all well, Mr. Urquhart engaged for them – Captain S- [Sutherland] had been requested to offer
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himself as a member for some place could not tell where my aunt said, she had desired Mrs. Bagnold not to send any letters here, as H. Kitson lost her penny – a few declined signing paper to the Hunters, as the Land was my own – .
December 23rd Trees that were planted evening before Tops cut off, & one or two slit down the stems.
December 26th Dearest returned from Lawton, arrived after 11 oclock at night, I in bed -
December 29th I signed the administration Release to Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Parker hence received it from Scotland, with my Sister & Captain S[utherland]’s signature on saturday afternoon – Hinscliffe came, had Mr. W. Brooke about Greaves’ farm – in the evening wrote to Mr. Beattie to tell him I had fixed upon my tenant & to Mrs. Greaves to say her husband must quit the farm at the usual times. Wrote to Mr. Brooke to say I would take him as tenant provided he agreed to my terms – viz £28. a year rent, to pay all taxes, & a written agreement
December 30th Sent my notes -
December 31st An answer from Mr. Brooke saying he agreed to every thing -