Description | Area of disturbed ground on Pole Moor containing pits, track ways and mounds/tips of unknown date and origin (SE 07064 15983 general position). This area of Pole Moor was the subject of an archaeological assessment by Karl Lunn (WYAAS) in June 2013. The photographic images produced by the assessment are held in the WYAAS digital image archives (Lunn, K.R. (WYAAS). 2013. \\WYJS HER FS01\HERPhotos\Slaithwaite\Slaithwaite. PRN12347. Extraction activity. SE0707316027. Field visit 24.06.2013). The area is located at the north eastern end of Pole Moor where the land drops down in an eastern direction to meet a level area around Quebec Road. Several features were observed and include: A hollow way which ran down the slope in roughly a north east direction starting a SE 07031 15925. After a break in the middle, this feature may continue as far as Quebec Road (SE 07125 1623) 300m to the north east. Incidentally, the projected line of Roman Road 712 runs in a similar alignment c.160m to the north of this feature. A pit and possible tip to the immediate south of the hollow way at SE 07035 15963 with a second possible tip to the immediate north of the hollow way at this point. Exposed crushed shale was visible in erosion areas around this feature. A mound at c. SE 07196 15986. A field boundary and historic township boundary between Slaithwaite and Scammonden which probably date to the time of enclosure at Pole Moor in the late 18th or early 19th century runs over the top of this feature. A second larger distinct mound is present c. SE 07004 16134. However, this may also be a natural feature. A linear feature, either a track way or stretch of bank and double ditch with a north east alignment is present at c. SE 07028 15963. Several less distinct features are present in the area. The nature and date of these features cannot be firmly established. The land in this area is generally un improved and possibly represents an area of upland common from before the time of enclosure. OS mapping of c.1850 (6' 1st edition, sheet 245) describes the area as partially enclosed but none of the features described above are depicted, with the possible exception of a pit or pond at SE 07146 16037. The features observed may relate to several activities from different periods which include small scale extraction, possible bell pits and informal routes providing moorland access for seasonal grazing. The ridge at the top of Pole Moor c.800m to the west is the location of several small scale quarries. (Lunn, K.R. 2013. Fieldwork observations regarding earthworks on Pole Moor at SE 07064 15983. Text in report only). |