Description | An archaeological evaluation was carried out by ARCUS during May and June 2008, on land surrounding a complex of Grade II listed buildings thought to originally date from the 16th century. The evaluation comprised of 10 trial trenches, evenly distributed around the site, resulting in a total excvated area of 303m². Only two of the trial trenches, Trenches 5 and 8, revealed features of archaeological interest. The trenches were located to the north (Trench 5) and east (Trench 8) of the listed stone built rectangular (barn) building. Two separate ditch features were identified, one of which (Trench 8) contained 3 sherds of medieval pottery in the base of its fill. Both ditches were cut directly into the bedrock and measured 1.4m wide and 0.4m deep; as such, the similar size and profile suggests that they were contemporary with each other. Two pig skeletons were also recovered from Trench 8 at a depth of approximately 0.8m; there was no evidence of butchery marks on the bones. The evidence recovered suggests a limited amount of activity on the site in the medieval period, probably related to agricultural or domestic enclosure. For more details on the location of trenches, or any of the features or finds recovered during the evaluation please see the final report (ARCUS, 2008), a copy of which is on file at West Yorkshire HER. |