Description | 1 Edmond Bynnes, late of Butterworth in Norland, now of Baildon, yeoman (wife Sibell, daughter of John Briggs) 2 Anthony Ramsden of Greengatehead in Greetland in Elland Township, yeoman, and Samuel Ramsden of same place, his son (in trust for Edmond Bynnes, son of 1) Property: - messuage in Norland in Rishworth Township, in occupation of said John Briggs, with eight closes belonging called Long Ynge, Hagge, Littleynge, Lower Heye, Over Heye, Falghefeilde, Croft, Bank - messuage and two closes called Newfield (alias Newhousfield) and Wellcroft, in occupation of Michael Briggs Former reference: MAC:116 |