Description | [Diary Transcription] 225 1820 December this morning I said I knew that if both she and I were quite at liberty to choose and take whom we liked she would prefer Mr. Schalch said she I dont know I really think I could easily put him by altogether if I liked she certainly likes me eexceedingly I wish it may not prove too much but perhaps she is not yet fully aware how much herself – the ground white on the hills this morning and some flying sleety showers in the course of the morning – cold and thick – hail or rain pelting against the skylight between 12 and 1 – wrote this of today just before getting into bed – Vs [Miss Vallance] cousin came today I think in the morning –
Wednesday 27 9 3/4 2 25/60 In the morning in Miss V-’s [Vallance] room. – Did nothing but write 3 ppages to M- [Mariana] Music in the evening and waltzing and quadrilles Came upstairs at 11 – a little while with Mrs. Milne half hour with V [Miss Vallance] and then curled in Anne’s room and staid till after two talking of Harriet etc. it came out from Anne that her conduct had gone beyond common flirting indeed as I said I had reason for suspecting a good deal she certainly little thinks of π [Mariana] having so told me all I said π [Mariana] did not marry for love Anne thought she liked him at any rate she should not write so dictatorially as she did about peter acklam considering that she herself had done more with L [Charles Lawton] formerly witness the garnetts and watch all which Anne had never named to her which she thought great forbearance π [Mariana] used to tell me she would not have him without my consent yet certainly her manner of managing the matter contradicted her professions Anne thinks she has gulled me sometimes perhaps she has but surely she loves me now and I must forget the past – Cold, winterish day, but fair – the wind got higher towards evening and was very boisterous in the night –
Thursday 28.. 10 1/4 1 L Crossed the 3 ppages and wrote the ends of my to M- [Mariana] (Lawton) and sent it this morning by IN. [Isabella Norcliffe] and A. B- [Anne Belcombe] From 3 40/60 to 4 1/4, set off, and walked round the stand on the wold – In the evening read, in the last no. [number] of the Quarterly Review a critique on Dr. Burrowes’ work on insanity, very encouraging to those who dread this malady, and counteracting what he calls some common errors on this subject – Fine day, hard frost and cold – the wind rose a little towards night – Came upstairs at 10 50/60 – took no notice of Mrs M [Milne] this evening and only went into her room for a few minutes – with A. B- [Anne Belcombe] about 3/4 hour and with Miss V- [Vallance] 20 minutes – began this morning just as I got out of bed –
226 1820 December Friday 29 9 1/2 1 1/2 LL Letter from Miss M- [Marsh] (Micklegate York), and Letter from Marian Market Weighton enclosing two five pound malton notes Immediately after breakfast wrote 2 1/2 ppages in answer and sent it off to Malton – From 1 to 3, out with Mrs. Milne and A. B- [Anne Belcombe] took a turn in the East balk and then went to Birdsall gate – Dawdled away the afternoon and evening dancing quadrilles and learning to waltz – Came upstairs at 11 – Miss V- [Vallance] rather unwell with spasms – only 20 minutes with her and the rest of the time with the others. Half hour alone with Harriet I am afraid to feed her vanity or could suit her taste for flattery very easily – wrote the above of today just before getting into bed – Fine day – hard frost –
Miss M- [Marsh] writing of Helen Waterton that was “Mrs. Robert Carr, Wakefield will be her proper direction; I sincerely wish her happy tho’ no one connected with her can be pleased with the match”–
Saturday 30 10 2 L Letter from my aunt (Shibden) all well – she sent me a five pound bank of England which I was lucky enough to get for single postage – From 1 40/60 to 3 35/60 out walking Miss V- [Vallance] and I went to Birdsall, and peeped into at the church porch – as we returned Mrs. M- [Milne] and A. B- [Anne Belcombe] met us a good way beyond Parker’s farm, and joined us – spoilt out conversation but perhaps it was as well for we had got from indifferent subject to her thinking me changed since Tibs going to York I made as well of the thing as I could protesting that I had only been so far brought to my senses as to think more reasonably of our being mutually beyond each others reach but I still loved her as ever and we are to meet t wo years hence as we are now if I continue to wish it she certainly likes me and I begin to think would not be sorry to give up Mr Schalch to have me certain – In the evening read in the last no. [number] of the Quarterly Review the critique about 30 ppages very interesting on Belzoni’s work – In the eevening very near made Mrs Milne cross about her not joining head and tails in writing music went into her room at night staid half hour laughed and joked about kissed and were friends only about quarter with Miss V [Vallance] and Anne came and staid in our room till near two scolding me about flattering Harriet – Came upstairs at 11 – Fine frosty day –
Sunday 31 10 1/4 2 1/4 All the morning in Vs [Miss Vallance] room she not feeling quite well not much alone with her – Mrs. N- [Norcliffe] and A. B- [Anne Belcombe] and I went to afternoon church. Mr. Simpson preached 24 minutes from some verse of chapter 14 Saint. Luke. Immediately after service A. B- [Anne Belcombe] and I walked almost to Birdsall gate and got back in about 2 hours at 4 1/2 – Almost all the evening upstairs with Miss V- [Vallance] who had a violent attack of spasms – half with Mrs M [Milne] a little with Anne and quarter with V [Miss Vallance] Anne then staid in our room till after two – Very fine winter’s day – hard frost –