Catalogue Finding NumberSH:7/ML/E/26/3/0005
Office record is held atCalderdale, West Yorkshire Archive Service
TitleDiary page
Description[Diary Transcription]
1816 November
a stick from her (Jane Duffins story to Eliza Raine) secret and solitary vice in all
which I had never any concern that in fact there would have given me no pleasure and that
I abhorred them all in naming my peculiar detestation of solitary vice Anne suddenly
exclaimed surely you don’t suspect me of that in a tone and manner that at once convinced
me she had been a culprit however she seemed quite satisfied with my logic I told
her I thought the sin was in my violating my engagement said I was doubtful about
this point and asked what she thought she waved this part of the subject and we fell asleep
Took a little walk on the terrace before dinner. Told Anne π [Mariana] made me promise not to kiss her
that I did promise had broken my promise and should be obliged to tell a lie as π [Mariana] was
certain to ask this I said made me unhappy as I was sure if π [Mariana] knew she would never forgive
me Anne turned pale and complained of feeling very sick when I told her of π [Mariana]’s making me
promise she asked me how such a thing could be how it could enter her head I explained
this away by proving that nothing was more natural as I had all along frankly told π [Mariana] every
circumstance every folly of my life that she was the only real judicious friend I had and
always advised me properly I said I loved her because she kept me in order and strange
to say because she was the only woman whose conduct to me had been at all times what it ought
to be thus was the rising suspicion at once quashed in Anne’s mind and π [Mariana] is literally the last being
in the world whose affections in this sense of the word she could believe it possible for me to gain - a note from Mrs
Edwards, Pye-Nest to ask Nantz and me to dine there tomorrow and stay all night – Last night very stormy –
rain and boisterous wind – today the same – after tea read aloud from page 201 to 319 of
Humboldt’s Researches – after Anne and I came upstairs to bed we had a good deal of conversation
about Charles and Mariana I showed Nantz Charles’s note of the 19 March 1816 and also read her the copy of the story
I wrote to Mariana about the passing through Halifax. It appeared however that Mariana had been beforehand with
me and had told both Mrs Steph and Nantz how I abused Charles what the people of Halifax – said of him etc etc
L mentioned the remarks I had sent her – I particularly desired her not giving as a reason the
impropriety of my being known to make such communications to π [Mariana] besides I told her I
had kept a copy of the story and should send it verbatim to Anne when I wrote tho I afterwards
changed my mind and told her so I read Nantz my journal of the 18 and 19 of March 1816 and some
previous passages that of surely no other wife would deny her husband putting his hand up his
wifes petticoats and feeling her cunt astonished and disgusted her not a little she had not believed
him quite so brutal -

Thursday 14
9 25/60
In spite of all I said yesterday Anne’s falling sick at hearing of π [Mariana]’s making me promise
and her saying in the evening she would kiss me no more it seems as I suspected she is too fond of me and too fond
of kissing not withstanding its being more pain than pleasure not to take me on any terms she gave me
a warmer kiss last night than I have ever had yet she said she did not feel so much pain I did not hurt her

So much owned she did not dislike it and that she had pleasure with me I enlightened her on many
subjects telling her the good of being moist etc etc and that there can be no pleasure without it Just
before tea I told her the anecdote of the ancients using lead plates to prevent pain in their knees
The expression which I use and which she understands to mean desire she said I wanted them – I said she would
soon take them off she said yes perhaps she should in fact she is glad enough to give and take all the pleasure
she can she sews for me perseveringly has new frilled all my waists new hemmed the bottoms of my slips etc.
The day too bad to go to Pye Nest – in the morning copied out my journal of last saturday the 8th from my notes into my book – it is my
custom when I am prevented keeping my journal regularly to make notes at the time and write them out afterwards - Read over
hastily to myself from p.361 to 411 the end of Volume 1 of Humboldt’s Researches – a violent storm of hail and
a hurricane between 4 and 5 in the afternoon snow afterwards calmer and fair towards night - last night after supper read aloud the 1st 19 pages and tonight after tea read aloud from pp. 19 to 110 of
HCL [Halifax Circulating Library]
Thursday 21 November 1816
‘The life and campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blücher of Wahlstatt from the
‘period of his birth and 1st appointment in the Prussian service, down to his 2nd entry into
‘Paris 1815: comprehending not only authentic incidents of the leading military characters
‘of both the French and confederate armies, but enriched likewise with much novel and interesting
‘matter translated in part from the sermon of General Count Gueiseman, Quarterer Master
‘general to Prince Blücher’s army; with considerable additions by J. E. Marston Esquire of the
‘wo ist das Deutsche Vaterland? [Where is the German Fatherland?]
so weit die Deutche zunge klingt [as far as the German tongue sounds]
das ist das Deutsche Vaterland!’ [that is the German Fatherland]
London Printed for Sherwood, Heely and Jones, Paternoster-Row, 1815’ 1 Volume 8vo Octavo pp. 429

Friday 15
9 1/2
6 1/2
Had a good kiss last night At 12 Nantz and I walked over to dine and spend the day at Pye-nest. Mr
Edwards as usual on a Friday being at his Mill, we did not see him – nobody but Mrs Edwards and ourselves – set off
to walk home at 5. Found I had taken something at dinner that disagreed with me – hardly got to the top
of Pye-nest lane before I felt violent pain in my bowels and sickness – hurried on and with great difficulty,
got home about 6. Went to bed almost immediately. The day had been fine and frosty and but for my
sickness, our walk back would have been very pleasant. Poor Nantz not well – having had much pain
in her right side during the day.

Saturday 16
9 1/2
10 1/2 a.m.
I had been asleep last night but awoke when Anne got into bed and feeling my sickness better had a
very good kiss. Sat down to breakfast a little after 10 – unable to eat anything and went to bed again almost imme-
diately - at one took 2 pills – Had a letter from M- [Mariana] / Lawton / - too unwell to read it till night. Stamford
Caldwell and his father / formerly an attorney/ knew of no such thing and said there was no such thing as taking
an attorney’s bill! - Lay in bed the whole day – The day sleety and snowy -
DateNov 1816
Extent1 page


ReprodnNoteThis transcript has been created to allow keyword searching within our online catalogue. A full transcription (marked-up to show extended abbreviations and highlighting all coded extracts) can be found as a pdf version at the volume level entry SH:7/ML/E/26/3. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this transcription, however, researchers are advised to check against the original diary images before quoting from the transcriptions. We are also happy to receive any corrections to improve the accuracy of the transcriptions if they are found. Further editing will also take place once the project nears completion. For further information about the transcription project see the Anne Lister Diary catalogue entry at SH:7/ML/E.
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