Description | [Diary Transcription]
46 1831 February dressed — dinner at 6 20/.. — left the dining room and went into the drawing room at 8 1/4 and slept there an hour — coffee at 9 20/.. talking to my aunt as usual about my father and going to Shibden — Now my aunt influenced echoing what I said last night is for going ~ came to my room at 11 5/.. Found my cousin come ~ Fahrenheit 47 1/2° at midnight — finish day
Tuesday 15 8 3/4 12 25/.. + A good deal of my cousin no thought of walking so lay in bed so long ~ always foolish to lie in bed so long — wrote out the journal of yesterday and rough draft of index from 19th to 26th ultimo inclusive which took me till 11 10/.. — Fahrenheit 44° at 9 1/2 a.m. and fine frostyish morning — Breakfast and reading Le Temps and dressing till 12 35/.. — took neither honey nor butter this morning to see whether this would make any difference for I have latterly found my bowels always better after breakfasting in rue St. Victoire — Madame Galvani lesson 18 from 12 35/.. to 1 50/.. — read aloud to her some paragraphs from Le Temps page 1 column 1 on the idea of the 5 great powers guaranteeing a general an universal European peace and the proclamation of the Italian insurgents — then read two or 3 of the French letters written yesterday — stopt short at an idea I could not make her understand and by that time it was too late for any Italian — so that did nothing — asleep from 1 50/.. to 3 10/..! then finished Le Temps, and at my desk at 3 3/4 — then till 5 20/.. settling accounts of last week and up to today — Then half hour washing etc ~ Dinner at 6 1/4 — Read Galignani — came to my room at 8 — made out rough draft of index up to today — coffee at 9 1/4 — wrote out Literary index up to today — came to my room at 11 at which hour Fahrenheit 47° — very fine day and fine night — Reading Richards botany till 11 55/..
Wednesday 16 7 10/.. 12 5/.. + V Fahrenheit 47° at 8 — out 8 20/.. — to the murette gate (read merely the 1st page of Le Temps) and back at 10 40/.. — Monsieur Pelletin came at 10 50/.. — dressed — breakfast in 1/4 hour (merely bread and milk as yesterday finding my bowels all the better for it, or for something this morning), and began my lesson the 7th with Monsieur Pelletin at 11 35/.. — from then to 2 40/.. did from page 164, Zircon, to page 186 Amphibole, — Brard — I began to get on a little — then had my hair done — 3/4 hour reading the rest of Le Temps — then wrote the above of today till 4 1/2 — from then to 6 at mineralogy — dinner at 6 10/.. — read Galignani — came to my room at 8 10/.. — again mineralogy — 1/4 hour’s nap till 9 at which hour Madame de Hagemann came — and staid till 10 3/4 — tea and coffee at 9 1/2 — came to my room at 11 5/.. at which hour Fahrenheit 49° fine day —
Thursday 17 7 12 1/4 x Fahrenheit 49° at 7 and at 8 and fine morning — off at 8 10/.. — went round by Notre dame to see the devastation of Monday and Tuesday at the archivêché — the guard would not allow anyone to s’arrêter on the spot, so stood with a crowd of others to contemplate it from the quai on the other side the river — quite a ruin — 1/2 the roof off — and could only see one window left unbroken — furniture, books boiserie, all sorts of things thrown out of the windows into the river — a boat there hooking up débris — saw one or 2 little things hooked up — at rue St. Victoire at 9 1/2 — could not breakfast till George came at 10 1/2 and brought my loaf of brown bread — read Les Temps — at my desk at 12 — asleep over Cloquet — Monsieur Julliart came for 10 minutes at 1 1/2 to say he could get nothing for today, so no lesson — To have a foetus tomorrow in quarter of an
47 1831 February L Vc hour till three and a half incurred a cross thinking of π [Mariana] it was from studying the female organs of generation and finding out distinctly for the first time in my life the clitoris George brought me M-’s [Mariana] letter (Leamington) at 3 1/2 — 3 ppages and the ends and under the seal — says nothing particular of herself Mr. Charles Lawton considerably better ‘the squire has rallied a little but not withstanding I don’t think he is long for this world’........ Except the cross and except reading M-’s [Mariana] letter prettily steadily at anatomy from 1 40/.. to 4 40/.. — Splanchnographi and Diacirsiographie of Sarlandière, and organs de la digestion of Hippolyte Cloquet and different articles of Nyten’s dictionary off home at 5 5/.. by the church of St. Germain l’Auxerriois through the Louvre and by the rue de Rivoli home at 6 — good deal of damage done externally to this church (completely sacked I suppose within) — bust of Louis Philippe stuck up over the platform, and written up Mairie du 4me arrondissement and tricoloured flags hoisted all which I suppose have appeased the rage of the people against the building — the fleurs de lis are everywhere gone or going — the crosses surmounted these emblems everywhere torn down — dressed — dinner at 6 35/.. — read Galignani — left the dining room at 8 10/.. — came into the drawing room at 8 20/.. — wrote out all the above of today — Coffee at 9 10/.. — then wrote 1 page to M- [Mariana] Came to my room at 11 at which hour Fahrenheit 46° — dampish morning — several showers during the day, and highish wind in the afternoon — Reading Richard’s botany (4th edition) till 11 3/4 — Mr. Frisell left his card this afternoon and the same messaging as last Thursday about a place in his box at the Italian opera — to send for a billet d’amission if I chose to go — much obliged — very civil de sa part — but I preferred staying quietly at home — will call on Miss Frisell on Saturday and say thank-you, and that I will go some other time or he will fancy I do not choose to go —
Friday 18 6 3/4 12 1/4 L + dressed ready for going out at 7 3/4 — about 1/2 hour reading Le Temps — then till 11 wrote 2nd and 3rd and very long ends and under the seal full of the news of the day and lastly long piece about fashions all very small and close and finished my letter begun last night to M- [Mariana] — ‘Mrs. Lawton, George Acker’s square Suffolk house, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Angelterre’ — Left my letter for George to take to the post — breakfast at 11 20/.. and off to rue St. Victoire at 11 50/.. (Fahrenheit 45° at 11 a.m.) there in 55 minutes at 12 3/4 — Monsieur Julliart came at 1 1/2 and staid till 4 Lesson 2 Helping to clean all up had male foetus very small might weigh about three pounds opened the abdomen studied the intestines and he shewed me how the testi cles sslipped through into the bourse or scrotum but somehow he is not very profound and if I had as much command of the knife I think I should soon know as much or more than he does from 4 1/4 to 5 at Hippolyte Cloquet on the organs of digestion stomach and intestines Having the foetus on the table before me off home at 5 1/4 and came in at 6 10/.. — dressed — dinner at 6 40/.. — read Galignani — left the dining room at 8 3/4 and came and slept 1/2 hour in the drawing room — coffee at 9 1/4 — wrote the last 7 lines — then at Richard’s botany till near 11 — came to my room at 11 5/.. at which hour Fahrenheit 45° — fine day till near 6 when I got to the Tuileries, and then rained all the way home, and continued raining for sometime — afterwards tolerably fine evening —