Catalogue Finding NumberSH:7/ML/E/10/0092
Office record is held atCalderdale, West Yorkshire Archive Service
TitleDiary page
Description[Diary Transcription]

May Sunday 13
8 1/4
12 5/60
bowels right — from 9 to 9 25/60 did my clothes, and wrote out the skeleton of all the bills [illegible] ready to fill up at night — then wrote the last
6 lines of yesterday — from 9 35/60 to 10 3/4 making out the travelling account of my little excursion last week etc. — from 10 50/60 to 11 25/60
breakfast — then had finished dressing at 12 5/60 — went into the drawing room to read prayers at 12 10/60 — read the whole of the morning prayers
including the litany and communion service (but no sermon) which took me 40 minutes — then sat an hour talking to my aunt
she wishes me to go to Switzerland — talk of her going to Geneva next June 12 month — to have a little society in the house, and
to be near the lake, and get out on the water — I think if she should be then able to bear travelling she would like change of place —
perhaps, after all, I shall go to Geneva at least, and look about me — In my own mind though I have never hint
ed it to anyone nor shall I the expense is the main obstacle  Came to my room at 1 50/60 — wrote the last 6 lines —
Note from Mrs. MacKenzie to say she was sorry they had an engagement on Friday, and could not come to dinner on that day — from 2 to
5 10/60 writing out the 6 1/2 ppages of my Travelling Journal volume 1. which very nearly brings me to the end of Thursday the 3rd
instant at Ermemenonville [Ermenonville] — washed my hands — dinner at 5 1/4 — It had been raining for some time before — damp and rain in the evening
so came to my own room at 7 5/60, and determining not to go out sat down at my desk — from then to 8 3/4 wrote out in my Travelling
Journal the last 7 1/2 lines of Thursday 3rd, and the whole of Friday 4th instant — then finished the washing bills — prepared my bedroom etc.
and went into the drawing room at 9 10/60 — reading Ebel’s Swiss Guide article Geneva — came to my room at 10 1/4 —

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 47 1/2° at 9 1/2 a.m.
49 1/2° at noon
47 1/2° at 10 1/4 p.m.
fine morning no sun — rain in the afternoon and evening cold and rainy at 10 1/4 p.m.

Monday 14
12 3/4
bowels right — the washerwoman came at 7 1/4 — at my desk at 8 — from then to 10 1/4 wrote out ppages 10-13 Travelling journal of the
5th and 6th instant — Breakfast and read the paper from 10 1/4 to 11 40/60 — Madame Huchez’s woman came at 10 35/60 for a minute or 2 instead of 9 1/2 to shew
me 3 patterns of black merinos — at 21/. l’aune, and 25/. the latter thin, though apparently strong, and beautifully fine — From 11 3/4 to
12 25/60 finished dressing — dawdling over 1 thing or other — Having sent to say, we should be glad to see Monsieur Sené about going
to dine there next Sunday next, he came at 12 3/4, and staid near an hour — excused ourselves on account of my aunt — said
she had best try first how she could bear the motion of the carriage — we would go over for a morning call the
first fine day — speaking of the little forage we saw in the country, near where we had been was a corn
country — almost all the forage used hereabouts grown in Normandy (not about Rouen) but more towards
Coutances and Saint Mâlo on the coast, and in the interior more towards Orleans — In France corn land always
kept for corn — forage [illegible] land for forage, etc. etc. no change of crops as in England — speaking of the dismissal
of the national guard — it was a great political error — could not be reconstructed now — no law to compel it — the people
after being so dismissed would now refuse their services — individually the people well pleased to get rid of the trouble — but collectively
they had been insulted — the King too much a cipher — the ministers did as they pleased — lost their majority in the chamber of
peers — losing it in the chamber of deputies — could not govern long in this way — a great part of the aristocracy protected the priests —
the minister to gain one party had paid the emigrants a milliard for indemnity — now the priests wanted indemnifying for
their losses, and this made all the work about jesuits, and all the priest-intrigues, to get money left to the church by will etc. etc. they wanted their ancient revenues —
it could not be — properties had been sold in small lots — no large fortunes now in France — said many had gained large
fortunes, the marshals etc. — ah! those were but few, and then perhaps they had not more than 200,000 francs per annum — would not be
much for England — nor formerly in France where the great families had forest upon forest, and almost territorial power — mentioned
Laffitte being very rich — yes but he was a banker — did not know his riches — that was all different — mentioned his
having commenced a new diligence concern — would shew me the prospectus — Monsieur Sené going to Switzerland and Italy this
autumn to reconnoitre the road for his family next year — perhaps they would spend next winter but one in Rome —
said I talked of going to Switzerland this summer, if my aunt was well enough — Monsieur Sené going there the end of July — he should go through
Coise, and thence into Italy — Monsieur Sené went at 2 40/60 — brought me the prospectus, dated 1 January last — ‘Messageries générales
‘de France Monsieur Nous avons l’honneur de vous faire part de la société que nous venons de formes, sous
‘la raison de Laffitte, Caillard et compagnie, et dont les opérations se borneront exclusivement à l’
‘exploitation du service des Messageries, Diligences, et autres voitures, par courant toutes les routes de France
[‘General couriers
‘of France Sir We have the honor of informing you of the company that we have just formed, under
‘the name of Laffitte, Caillard and company, and whose operations will be limited exclusively to the
‘business of courier service, stagecoaches, and other vehicles, covering all the roads of France]

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 49° at 8 a.m.
53° at 12 10/60 p.m.
50° at 11 1/2 —
damp morning —
fair all the day but the great deal
of rain during last night has made
the streets dirty —

‘La société est en nom collectif à l’egard des administrateurs, et en commandite à l’
‘égard des autres actionnaires. Les administrateurs solidaires et responsables sont MM. messieurs Jean Baptiste
‘Laffitte, Vincent Caillard père, and 5 others …. Le capitale de la société se compose de 1200 actions
‘de 5000 francs chacune: 600 actions ont été souscrites par les associés gérants, et les autres 600 actions
‘par les associés commanditaires. La mise de fonds déja réalisée n’a été élevée à la somme
‘de dix millions, que par une disposition expresse du contrat portant d’une part l’obligation de ne traiter
‘les affaires qu’an comptant; de l’autre l’interdiction de tout engagement, soit collectif, soit
‘individuel. Tous les traités et conventions devront être signés par 4 administrateurs: les poursuites et
‘diligences se feront au nom de la raison sociale’ …. Laffitte the banker to the concern …… ‘Déja notre service
‘est en pleine activité sur les principales routes de France: bientôt de nouveaux services seront établis
‘par tout où le besoin s’en fait sentir. Le siège de l’etablissement reste provisoirement rue du
‘Bouloy, No. [number] 24. Veuillez en prendre note’
[‘The company is in general partnership with regard to the directors, and in limited partnership with
‘regard to the other shareholders. The joint and responsible directors are Messrs. John Baptiste
‘Laffitte, Vincent Caillard father, and 5 others …. The capital of the company consists of 1200 shares
‘of 5000 francs each: 600 shares were subscribed by the managing partners, and the other 600 shares
‘by the limited partners. The capital outlay already made has been raised to the sum
‘of ten million, only by an express provision of the contract bearing on the one hand the obligation to do
‘business only in cash; on the other, the prohibition of any commitment, either collective or
‘individual. All treaties and conventions will have to be signed by 4 administrators: lawsuits and
‘due diligences will be done in the name of the company’] …. Laffitte the banker to the concern …… ‘Already our service
‘is in full operation on the main roads of France: soon new services will be established
‘wherever the need arises. The head office of the establishment remains temporarily] rue du
‘Bouloy, No. [Number] 24. Please take note of this’] …. Laffitte writes his name Laffitte — 2 ffs — talked a little
to my aunt — came to my room at 1 50/60 wrote all but the 1st 3 lines of today which took me till 2 1/2 — from 2 40/60 to 3 55/60 copying
out into my little Letter book the letter sent to Mr. James Briggs this day week — From 4 to 5 1/4 wrote out my accounts of today, and made
out and wrote out the summary of the week before last — and paid George — Dinner at 5 1/4 — left the dining room at 7 10/60 — went out at 7 20/60 —
from 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 walked with Mrs. Barlow to and from the barrière de l’Etoile — talking of a Madame ____ who has a 4me [quatrième] in rue
Castiglione No. [number] 8 who if she could speak English might suit my aunt — might take us into her house — said she might suit
me better as a person to whom I might go for the purpose of speaking French — talk of really taking this Swiss tour — and of my calling on Madame Droz with Mrs. Barlow she thought Madame Droz did not deserve to be treated like Mrs. Middleton — said I should cut them altogether — all the people I met at Place Vendôme — did not care about Madame Droz — staid
tea with Mrs. Barlow and got home at 9 55/60 — sat talking to my aunt till 11 1/2 about putting off IN-’s [Isabella Norcliffe] visit till next spring
and about going to Switzerland for 3 months — came to my room at 11 1/2 — Had told Mrs. Barlow I liked Madame Droz but whenever
her name was mentioned the idea that her husband would not like her to be intimate with me rose up
like a spectre before me and I had no inclination to go near her Mrs. Barlow said perhaps she ought not to have
told me this but could not help telling me everything Madame Droz did not mean it unkindly always spoke
well of me said what Mrs Barlow had told me had done me much good but somehow I was ssometimes difficult to ma
nage and was just then in a bad humour  just before getting into bed having thought the matter over wrote the rough draft of a note
to Madame Droz to send in the morning previous to calling vide below  o .. 

Tuesday 15
8 20/60
Incurred the cross last night thinking partly of π [Mariana] then of Mrs Barlow  at my desk at 9 1/4 — wrote the last 12
lines of yesterday — then wrote the following to Madame Droz ‘my dear Louise — Mrs. Barlow tells me, you are not well,
‘or, rather, that you are as those most wish whose interest in your happiness is deepest — I have so often had the ill
‘luck to find you not at home, I am resolved to inquire whether I may hope to be more fortunate any hour
‘this morning — It will always give me pleasure to have any occasion of offering you my congratulation,
‘as your welfare and happiness will never cease to be regarded with affectionate concern by your very sincere friend A[nne] L[ister] —’
Sent off my note ‘à Madame Madame Droz Rue Caumartin, No. [number] 10’ at 10 1/4 — made out and wrote out last week’s
summary — breakfast [illegible] (over at 11 1/2) and reading the paper from 10 1/2 to 11 55/60 — then 1/4 hour settling my
cashbook — from 12 1/4 to 12 55/60 finished dressing — went out at 1, direct to Madame Droz — message back to say she would be glad to see me
before 2 — got to the Droz’s at 2 10/60 — sat 40 minutes with Madame and Mademoiselle Droz (Monsieur Droz there the last 4 or 5 minutes) — mentioned
having called the day but one after meeting Monsieur Droz on the boulevards — [illegible] but she was sortie — a bêtise of the porter’s —
she was in bed — had called several times (but not lately) about 1 — she was always out — I had been much engaged — not quite well —
could I have done her the smallest service she would have seen me oftener — I had not forgotten her — was not a person given to forgetfulness —
she believed me — she had been evidently pleased with my note, and we got on very well together — said my aunt was going in a few days

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 56° at 8 50/60 a.m.
59° at 12 1/4 p.m.
53° at 10 —
fine morning
fine day —
DateMay 1827
Extent1 page


ReprodnNoteThis transcript has been created to allow keyword searching within our online catalogue. A full transcription (marked-up to show extended abbreviations and highlighting all coded extracts) can be found as a pdf version at the volume level entry SH:7/ML/E/10. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this transcription, however, researchers are advised to check against the original diary images before quoting from the transcriptions. We are also happy to receive any corrections to improve the accuracy of the transcriptions if they are found. Further editing will also take place once the project nears completion. For further information about the transcription project see the Anne Lister Diary catalogue entry at SH:7/ML/E.
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