Catalogue Finding NumberSH:7/ML/E/10/0007
Office record is held atCalderdale, West Yorkshire Archive Service
TitleDiary page
Description[Diary Transcription]

+ §
read over what I had just written to M- [Mariana] and writing thus far of my journal took me till after 10 — Breakfast at 10 1/4 — that and reading the
whole of Galignani’s Messenger, and doing my hair took me till 11 1/4 — from then till 1 10/60 looking over and making neat as yesterday (vide line 7) from page 174. to
the end of the last and 12th volume of my journal — Went out at 1 1/2 — took intending to go to the fruit market on the Quai, but it
began to rain again heavily — took shelter under 1 of the archways from the place du Carrousel (under the Louvre Gallery) then sent
George to buy the fruit by himself and I went to Mrs. Barlow got there at 2, sat with her and Jane till 5 — she had a bad headache
but sat mending pens or hemming cambric pocket handkerchiefs — Jane doing the latter — and behaved very well I could not help think
ing to myself I was wasting my time for what object had I to gain by so spending it I learnt nothing I did no good
in any and should even have been better amused at home and yet somehow I could not help going I will not go in
a hurry again ~ I will ask for my letters ssomeday soon ~ Got home, after going to a shop or 2, at 5 40/60 — Dinner at 6 10/60 —
the porter’s wife came at 7 40/60 and sat talking to me till 8 55/60 — I got on better tonight — I believe I could speak fluently in a
little while if I had more opportunity of practising — From about 8 till after 11 incessant rain — fair from about 12 1/2 to 1 3/4 —
then showers and gleams the rest of the day — I read a few lines out of Montlosier to the porter’s wife, and she said I pronounced much
better in reading than speaking — I had no accent in reading — afterwards read from 99. to 122. Montlosier — Went to my room
at 10 10/60 —

Friday 27
6 3/4
11 20/60
§§ L
Filled the ends of my paper and finished my letter to M- [Mariana] begun this day week and dated then and yesterday and this morning — affectionate and giving
a sort of journal account of us — mentioning everything particular that has happened except my calling yesterday
on Mrs Barlow and having the porters wife to speak French to me Thursday and last night ~ Say ‘mt [my] aunt is much
as usual, though she thinks she gets weaker, and, apparently, she is right’ — say I am quite well — Went out at 8 55/60 —
bought meat etc. went to the Tuileries gardens — got there at 9 40/60 — sauntered about reading the whole (some parts twice over)
of the Journal des Débats — curious account at the end of the journal of the ‘Chaîne des forçats’ proceeding on
their journey to the galleys — how they are examined lest they should have anything about them to liberate themselves from
their chains — to be searched this time at or near Fontainebleau — always en plein jour [in broad daylight] — stript even of their
shirts — nose, mouth, ears etc. searched — they have been known to escape by means of watch springs which
they could hide under nails, and with which, in the course of 3 or 4 hours in the dead of night, they have or could without noise
cut their chains — they are indeed and absolutely stript yet crowds men women, and children, assemble to
see the spectacle — the editor remarks on this and on the levity of the condemned as they passed along — hints at the shocking vices practised on board the galleys, and that
some steps ought to be taken by government for the better regulation of these matters — An interesting account, too,
in this journal of the publication of a new Carte politique, historique etc. ‘Atlas Constitutionnel’ —
Got home at 11 — read the whole of Galignani’s Messenger — speaks of de Villèle being as wavering as the caprices
of his party which in fact governs him instead of he governing it — great praise of Mr. Canning who would hear much — be
very civil and say very little — the King (Charles 10) has given Mrs. Canning a bracelet set with diamonds, and containing his majesty’s
picture — breakfast at 11 35/60 — found on my desk a very civil note (in French) from the Comte de Noé (written last night and
probably by 1 of his daughters) to say that if I wish to see ‘les Bijoux de la couronne, il sera fort aise de
‘les lui montrer, si elle vent avoir la bonté de le trouver demain à une heure, un quart
‘à l’Intendance de la liste civile, place du carrousel, auprès du guichet de la rue de
‘Rivoli’…… [the Crown Jewels, he will be happy to show them to her if she would have the goodness to come tomorrow as it happens at 1 1/4 to the Stewardship of the Civil List, Place du Carrousel, beside the ticket window in the rue de Rivoli]'
the comte is very civil — very attentive — and I am obliged to him, and will return it as
well as I can 1 of these days — Sent my letter to M- [Mariana] ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire, Angleterre’
at 11 1/2 — From 12 to 3 1/2 settling my accounts — making out a probable scale of expenses, per week, at our present

rate of house rent and living and writing the above of today — here, and as we are, I think we may live for about
£450 per annum not allowing anything for horses (i.e. remise-carriages and jaunting) or for my aunt’s or my own
private expense But this document shall be copied into this book, if I hereafter find it to have been sufficiently exact —
from 3 35/60 to 5 35/60 ruled the 29 ppages at the end of this volume for the summary index, and the 4 ppages at the beginning for the letter index —
not expecting but very glad to have got it done — read a page or 2 of the Montlosier — Dinner at 6 1/4 — the porter’s wife
came at 7 55/60, and sat talking till 10 5/60, about the revolution, etc. etc. remembers it all quite well — her father
worked at the Gobelins — she remembers seeing the royal family there in those days — fine day till about 2 p.m.
then the rest of the day rainy — went to my room at 10 20/60 ~

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 59 1/2° at 8 a.m.
ditto at 12 at noon
61° at 6 p.m.
60° — 10 1/4 p.m.

Saturday 28
6 20/60
11 25/60
In my salon at at 7 20/60 — Near half hour mending my gloves from 7 3/4 to 9 wrote out index from 1 to 27 May
1825. then till 9 20/60 making the rough draft, and writing out the 5 last days’ index of this same month — making the rough
draft of the 1st seven days of June (1825) took me from 9 25/60 to 10 10/60 — then breakfast — read Galignani — Dressed
from 11 35/60 to 12 1/2 made the rough draft of the index from 8 to 20 June 1825. — Went out at 12 55/60 to the ‘Intendance
de la liste civile, place du Carrousel, auprès du Guichet de la rue de Rivoli’ to be in readiness to
meet the Comte de Noé at 1 1/4 to see the bijoux de la couronne [crown jewels] — walked about 1/4 hour — [illegible] Saw the duchesse de Berri
go out airing — asked to sit down in the Intendance de la liste civile — the man in livery civilly said this was not allowed —
told him when and what I wanted — he said the jewels were at the Garde-Meuble, Champs Elysées — fancied (for I had not the note
with me) I might be mistaken — went to the garde-meuble — the porter’s wife said the jewels were in an hotel
rue St. Dominique — Went back to Intendance de la liste civile — asked the man if anyone had inquired for me —
‘no!’ — walked more slowly home and came in at 2 — read over the note — found it was yesterday not today I ought
to have met the comte — Sat down immediately and wrote a very civil note of explanation concluding with ‘Miss Lister
‘has, therefore, the double mortification of having seemed unpardonably remiss in not having either seen the Comte de
‘Noé or made her best acknowledgements for his so kind attention, and of having also missed the opportunity she
‘would have been so glad to take of seeing the bijoux de la couronne [crown jewels] — Mrs. and Miss Lister beg your compliments to the Comte
‘and Comtesse de Noé, and Miss Lister hopes to have the pleasure of calling very soon’ — dated today — and I shall send it by the
porter this evening at or about 5 p.m. when the Comte will probably be at home to dinner — from 3 1/4 to 6, [illegible] made the rough
draft of index from 8 June to 14 July 1825. Dinner at 6 10/60 — the porter’s wife came at 7 50/60 and staid till 9 3/4 —
Fine day, though occasionally threatening rain — rain during last night, and just before, and perhaps for a little while just after I got up —
Went to my room at 10 1/4 — The porters wife said that in directing my note I had spelt Comte with an N
instead of an M what terrible inadvertence ~ Sent my note to the Comte de Noé at 5.p.m. —

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 60° at 8 a.m.
— — 10 —
61° — 12 1/2 p.m.
60° — 11 —

Sunday 29
6 40/60
11 1/4
at my desk at 7 3/4 from then to 9 3/4 made the rough draft of the index from the 14th to the end of July 1825. Dressed my h
air ~ Breakfast at 10 1/4 — Letter 2 2/3 ppages from Mr. Duffin (York) the end of page 3, and the ends, and margins of page 1 filled
by his present wife (late Miss Marsh) married at Winterslow on the 20th ultimo — the happiest of the happy — hiring new
servants ‘as our present ones’ (says Mr. Duffin) ‘old in the service have wished to retire’ — new furnishing the drawing room and bedrooms —
Miss Ellen Duffin gone to see her sister Jane (who has been very ill) in Bath — Miss Sophia Greenup gone home —
to return to the Duffins in December — Mrs. Wright (Miss Lawson that was) had produced a little girl — Lady Mary Stapleton
and Mrs. Hotham dead — the little girl left by the latter ‘is to live with Mrs. Bentinck for the present’ says Mrs. Duffin ‘The
death of my dear friend Mrs. Hotham postponed our marriage a week’ — … ‘the good Belcombes all tolerable — William Milne going
gradually’ — The Duffins ‘are fêted and made much of’ — Going to Langton, Lotherton, Newton Kyme’ — ‘Mr. Marsh sent me a

[margin text:] Fahrenheit 58° at 8 a.m.
60° —11 3/4 —
— — 1 3/4 p.m.
59 1/4° — 10 —
DateOct 1826
Extent1 page


ReprodnNoteThis transcript has been created to allow keyword searching within our online catalogue. A full transcription (marked-up to show extended abbreviations and highlighting all coded extracts) can be found as a pdf version at the volume level entry SH:7/ML/E/10. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this transcription, however, researchers are advised to check against the original diary images before quoting from the transcriptions. We are also happy to receive any corrections to improve the accuracy of the transcriptions if they are found. Further editing will also take place once the project nears completion. For further information about the transcription project see the Anne Lister Diary catalogue entry at SH:7/ML/E.
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